Marc was born with the explorer gene; he was wired a bit differently than the rest of us. Blessed with a prodigious appetite for knowledge, Marc was self-taught - learning the history, the skills and the possibilities of climbing on his own. His clairvoyance for the mountains was well beyond his age. Some people saw his gift as 'a prometheus rising', yet he just saw what he did as no different than eating or sleeping. Marc could be goofy at times, pulling silly pranks on his friends making them love him even more, but he was never frivolous with climbing. He had an intelligence that matched his talent, making him technical, exacting and gutsy. He was our rocket man and in understanding his passing, it is best to see our world as his yellow brick road, a path he had to bid adieu.
- Winner of the 2015 Guy Lacelle Pure Spirit Award
- First to solo all three Torres in the Chaltén Massif, Patagonia, including The Corkscrew on Cerro Torre 2015, Titanic on Torre Egger, Winter 2016
- Tomahawk to Exocet link up solo in Winter on Torre Standhardt, Patagonia, 2016
- First ascent of Reverse Torre Traverse, Patagonia
- First ascent and free solo of Slesse Mountain’s northeast buttress in winter, British Columbia, Canada
- First ascent of Psychological Effect on Mount Tuzo, Canadian Rockies
- First ascent and solo ascent of Infinite Patience, Mount Robson, Canadian Rockies